It was a big surprise!!!

This Monday, was my birthday. As I am too old, I did not want to celebrate at all. So I just did the routine stuff, reading and working on the application documents.  Around 6 pm, I went down to the first floor to picked up the phone call and checked email.

There was a mail sent from the agent. It showed that I got an offer......Oh~~~~~~YA!!!!! I got an offer!!!! I don't have to worry if I would not get any offer what I should do next. Some of burden was put off. It was the best birthday present I've got this year!!

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  • Mar 21 Sun 2010 16:44
  • 檢討

下午轉到好久沒有看的星光, 這次的主題是歌舞劇個形式, 雖然主角是星光6的成員, 但是果陀劇場演員也有客串演出。

最後總檢討的時候, 有兩部份讓我印象很深刻。一個是果陀劇場的總監, 他說: 他在上課的時候, 不僅會看台上, 也會看台下。台下準備的人, 有的拿手機傳簡訊, 有的聊天, 也有人認真的背著台詞, 從這個地方可以看出成功與否。(大意大概是這樣) 郎姑的講評也非常的犀利, 他對一位參賽者說: 當主持人問你為什麼今天會失常的時候, 你回答"因為我很把歌唱好, 但是還要準備.... ", 這些都只是excuse!!!

聽完這些講評後, 我想到的是曾經看過的一句話:人們總是害怕面對或是承認失敗。所以我們試圖找理由掩飾這個事實。但是失敗就是失敗, 就是努力不夠, 沒有其他的。這對現在的我來說, 特別有感觸。

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這是一個朋友貼在facebook上的talk show, 非常的搞笑, 讓我這個剛戰敗的考生笑了好久。

不過重點是.......These guys are defenitely handsome (except the host ^^") and humor!!!!!

最後還有一系列的隱藏人物喔~~~Enjoy the show!!!!

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Tomorrow, I am going to take my finally AT tst. I am quite worried but a little bit calm. The score I want is 600. I do not ask too much but cannot be less. I think this is what makes me anxious.

Please bless me. Let me get my gorgeous 600.

There is about 6 hours left. I would like to review the AI and AA. Also, do the math pratice as much as I can.

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After working one week on them, I finished all the required documents and subimitted on-line just two hours ago. I was quite nervous when I clicked the buttom. Anyway, I did it and I feel good to apply by myself. Now, I can be completely focus on AT. Only 4 days left. I need to manage the time more efficiently!! I will never give up until the last minute!!

I saw more and more people received their admission and shared their feelings and experiences on forums and BBS. I admired their achievements very much. They all worked hard on their way. I hope I will recieve my admission very soon.

BTW, my consultant forwarded a mail from LUMS to me. Unfortunately, they did not change their mind. But they told me the reason.  At least this gives me an idea about next personal statement.

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I know I should work hard on AT, however, I just cannot pay as much attention as I did last December. I don't know why. I need a backup plan and more opportunity of attaining admission. I have plenty of motivation. Then why I hasitated? Am I tired? No, that should not be the reason since I have taken two weeks rest.

The good news is I spent more time on AT than I did yesterday. I finished CR part of PP1 and wnet through 5 RC articles. I'm going to do some pratice on Quantitative. It seems things is getting better. I will work it out. I will!!

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It was me who made the choice so that I should insist and keep going on .No regreat, no pity.

I am just on the half way or just at the beginning of the path. There is still a long way to go. It is a long-term fight. Only the one holds her belief tightly can make the dream come true. So many people have made it. I can do it, too. Just be patient and concentrate.

Do all the best I can do and the god will show me where I should go on right time.

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